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Discussion => Drug safety => Topic started by: streetpharmacy on August 12, 2011, 01:22 pm

Title: Preparation of Desoxypipradol blotters - your thoughts!?
Post by: streetpharmacy on August 12, 2011, 01:22 pm
Hi guys,

I am about to receive 500mg of said powerful stimulant, I am not a big fan of liquid solutions so I want to lay it on blotter.
Does anyone have experience with that? I was planning to measure how much liquid my paper can absorb, then make a solution of measured amount plus the substance and place the blotter in a small flat container then slowly drip the solution all over, let it absorb and dry the now impregnated blotter over some upside down thumbtacks.

Any suggestions or improvements?
Title: Re: Preparation of Desoxypipradol blotters - your thoughts!?
Post by: nomad bloodbath on August 12, 2011, 04:06 pm
That's one way to do it, or you can put the solution in some glassware and lay the blotters down in the solution and move the blotters around until the paper absorbs as much as it can then leave the blotters hung over the glassware to air dry, so the glassware catches any run off.
Title: Re: Preparation of Desoxypipradol blotters - your thoughts!?
Post by: Slick Road on August 12, 2011, 05:58 pm
You could use a micropipette and lay the blots indivdually. This way would provide the most uniform spread.
Title: Re: Preparation of Desoxypipradol blotters - your thoughts!?
Post by: nomad bloodbath on August 12, 2011, 07:27 pm
What's the proper dosage, common for desoxypipradrol?

How much longer is the duration than Adderall?
Title: Re: Preparation of Desoxypipradol blotters - your thoughts!?
Post by: streetpharmacy on August 12, 2011, 10:08 pm
What's the proper dosage, common for desoxypipradrol?

How much longer is the duration than Adderall?

It lasts at least twice as long if not 3 times longer. Reports on dosages differ, I'd say <10mg is safe, but there are reports of 48hrs without sleep with only 3mg
Title: Re: Preparation of Desoxypipradol blotters - your thoughts!?
Post by: nomad bloodbath on August 13, 2011, 01:07 am
Sp how many mgs per blotter tab are you thinking?
Title: Re: Preparation of Desoxypipradol blotters - your thoughts!?
Post by: ancdi on August 17, 2011, 05:05 pm
The reported recommended dosages of 2-dpmp around the web are very very high.
If you want to study with good focus for the day 1-2mg is enough. (I recommend trying .5mg first time)
Anything above 5mg is asking for severe sleep-deprivation.

And never redose if you plan on sleeping within the coming 24h. That half-life needs respect.

If you are after a pleasant euphoric effect, this is not the drug you are looking for, it's only good to improve focus and attention. Nothing good comes from higher doses.

It is very subtle. You wont really notice any effects beyond suddenly realizing you have had complete and total focus for several hours in a stretch.
If you ever feel like having focus and not sleeping for a longer time, just increase your first dose in accordace with the half-life (16-20h).
But beware that your brain does need sleep, you will start to feel like shit if you stay awake for too long, 2-dpmp can't rid you of your need for sleep, just make you unable to do so.

All the best :)
Title: Re: Preparation of Desoxypipradol blotters - your thoughts!?
Post by: streetpharmacy on August 19, 2011, 10:14 pm
The reported recommended dosages of 2-dpmp around the web are very very high.
If you want to study with good focus for the day 1-2mg is enough. (I recommend trying .5mg first time)
Anything above 5mg is asking for severe sleep-deprivation.

And never redose if you plan on sleeping within the coming 24h. That half-life needs respect.

If you are after a pleasant euphoric effect, this is not the drug you are looking for, it's only good to improve focus and attention. Nothing good comes from higher doses.

It is very subtle. You wont really notice any effects beyond suddenly realizing you have had complete and total focus for several hours in a stretch.
If you ever feel like having focus and not sleeping for a longer time, just increase your first dose in accordace with the half-life (16-20h).
But beware that your brain does need sleep, you will start to feel like shit if you stay awake for too long, 2-dpmp can't rid you of your need for sleep, just make you unable to do so.

All the best :)

Don't worry, I am a fulltime tweaker. below 10mg is fine and you can achieve euphoria with this material! it is like ritalin on steroids ;)
Title: Re: Preparation of Desoxypipradol blotters - your thoughts!?
Post by: streetpharmacy on August 20, 2011, 09:14 pm
Sp how many mgs per blotter tab are you thinking?

5mg per tab, depends on how much the blotter paper holds
Title: Re: Preparation of Desoxypipradol blotters - your thoughts!?
Post by: streetpharmacy on August 27, 2011, 01:29 am
Bad news about the blotters. I made my first experiment laying them with a potassium chloride solution and the distribution is uneven. There are tend to be clusters of crystals when the blotter is dried. I will try with different crystallization conditions but it does not look good at the moment. I cannot risk distributing inaccurately dosed tabs.
Title: Re: Preparation of Desoxypipradol blotters - your thoughts!?
Post by: nomad bloodbath on August 30, 2011, 04:18 pm
Thanx for keeping us informed streetpharmacy.

nomad bloodbath